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15.12 Twist -litter 4 years.
Happy birthday for all girls !

Jyväskylä 21.11.

Judge: Jouko Leiviskä, FIN

Gladtail Heaven Sent, CACIB

Eternal Fire Amazing Grace
junior class EXC 2, 2nd best bitch, resCC

Gladtail Fabulous Twist
open class EXC

Gladtail Heaven Sent
working class EXC 1, 4th best bitch, CACIB


Zantte's (Fin Est Ch Gladtail Ben Van Zanten) offspring results from this year:

Kultahännän Baarikärpänen A K0 and eyes clear
shows 2nd best dog, CC

Kultahännän Bumerangi A K0 and eyes clear
shows BOS, CC

Rogerwiek Amazing Sunset B K0 and eyes clear
shows 1/2, 1/4
qualified in Golden Retriever Club character test

Rogerwiek Atomic Speed A K0 and eyes clear
shows BOS, CC
(Sillamäki, Eesti 30.11.)

Rogerwiek Action Boy eyes clear
shows 2nd best dog, BOB, CC, BIG-3
qualified in Golden Retriever Club character test

Hyvinkää 17.10.
the Finnish Retriever Association's Annual Championship Show

Judge: Frank Knippenborg, HOL

Eternal Fire Amazing Grace
junior class EXC 2

Gladtail Heaven Sent
working class EXC 1, 2nd best bitch, CC

Fin Lv Ch Fin Tracking Ch Bammelohren Dear Lady Twist
veteran class EXC 3

Kuortane 03.10.

Fin Ch Gladtail Dick Wilden
Tracking trial 3rd prize at Winner class, 27points

Judge Jukka Hevonkorpi

Gladtail Heavy Duty
Tracking trial 2nd prize at Open class, 35 points

Judge Jari Salokanto


Eternal Fire Amazing Grace
Salsa got her official X-ray results from the Kennelclub
hips A and elbows 0

Hyvinkää 19.09.

Judge: Hannele Jokisilta, FIN

Fin Est Ch Gladtail Ben Van Zanten
veteran class EXC 1,
2nd best dog, BOS veteran

Eternal Fire Amazing Grace

junior class EXC 3

Field trial Golden Championship 18.09.

Fin Ch Gladtail Delivery to Daddy field trial Winner class 2nd prize.
3rd place in the Golden Championship Trial
Judge Ari-Pekka Fontell


3 years

Valkeakoski 05.09.

Fin Ch Gladtail Delivery to Daddy field trial Winner class 3rd prize.
Judge Ari-Pekka Fontell


Happy Birthday
Salsa 23.8. 1 year and her grandmother Brenda 26.8. 12 years !

Maaninka 22.08.
Golden Special

Judge: Roy Maynard, GB

Fin Ch Gladtail Delivery to Daddy
champion class

Fin Est Ch Gladtail Ben Van Zanten
veteran class EXC 1, 4th best dog, BIS-2 veteran

Eternal Fire Amazing Grace

junior class EXC 1, 3rd best bitch, resCC

Gladtail Fabulous Twist
open class EXC

Gladtail Heaven Can Wait
open class EXC

Gladtail Heaven Sent
working class EXC 1, 4th best bitch

Fin Est Ch Gladtail Burgundy Lace
champion class EXC 2

Gladtail Apricot Beauty
veteran class EXC 2

Fin Lv Ch Fin Tracking Ch Bammelohren Dear Lady Twist
veteran class EXC 3

kennel Gladtail
breeders group 2nd hp

Joensuu 15.08.

Judge: Josef Verrees, BEL

Gladtail Heaven Can Wait

open class EXC 1, best bitch, BOB

Tampere 14.08.

All breed puppy show
Judge: Ninel Ale, EST

© Minna Toivanen
Gladtail Jazzy Jester

Mouhijärvi 08.08.

Judge: Hannele Jokisilta

Eternal Fire Amazing Grace
junior class EXC 1, 2nd best bitch, CC

Ankeriasjärvi 05.08.

Eternal Fire Amazing Grace qualified in the field.
Vesa Hietikko

Nurmo 01.08.

Kimi's first tracking trial start
Gladtail Heavy Duty
Tracking trial 1st prize at Open class, 40 points

Judge Torsten Lerstrand

Hankasalmi 01.08.

Judge: Soile Bister, FIN

Eternal Fire Amazing Grace
junior class EXC 1, best bitch, CC, BOB, BIG-4

Mäntyharju 31.07.

Judge: Kirsi Nieminen

Gladtail Greedy Guy
open class EXC 1

Eternal Fire Amazing Grace

junior class EXC 2, 3rd
best bitch, resCC

Fin Lv Ch Fin Tracking Ch Bammelohren Dear Lady Twist
champion class EXC 3

Gladtail Apricot Beauty

veteran class EXC 2

Põltsamaa, Estonia 31.07.

Fin Est Ch Gladtail Ben Van Zanten's son
Rogerwiek Action Boy
best dog, CC, BOB

Rantasalmi 25.07.

© Minna Outinen
Gladtail Irish Dream
qualified in the field.
Judge Martti Hirvonen

Mäntsälä 11.07.

Judge: Markku Santamäki, FIN

Gladtail Have a Dream
working class EXC 1,
3rd best bitch

Haukipudas 11.07.

Judge: Hannele Jokisilta, FIN

Fin Est Ch Gladtail Ben Van Zanten's daughter
Kultahännän Bumerangi
EXC, best bitch, CC, BOS

Kihniö 10.07.

Judge: Hannele Jokisilta, FIN

Fin Ch Gladtail Bing Crosby
champion class EXC 2

Mikkeli 10.07.

Judge: Damir Skok, CRO

© Timo  Hellman
Eternal Fire Amazing Grace
junior class EXC 1, 1st best bitch


Polka's (Owlet's Polka) and Zantte's (Fin Est Mva Gladtail Ben Van Zanten)
puppies were born June 27th 2004
3 boys and 2 girls
kennel Miklaus, Anne Woivalin

Mänttä 13.06.

Fin Ch Gladtail Delivery to Daddy field trial Winner class 2nd prize.
Judge Tobina Nyman

Congratulations Jalo & Minna !

Jämsä 12.06.

Judge: Rune Fagerström, FIN

Eternal Fire Amazing Grace
junior class EXC 4

Oulu 05.06.
Golden main speciality show

Judge: Liz Pope, GB (bitches)

Gladtail Heaven Can Wait
Photos of the show|

Eternal Fire Amazing Grace
the first time in the junior class, where was in all 17 bitches
junior class EXC 4

Gladtail Heaven Can Wait

open class EXC 3

Gladtail Heaven Sent

working class EXC 2

Fin Ch Gladtail Dreaming Maid
veteran class EXC 4

Joensuu 22.05.

Judge: Arja Koskelo, FIN

Gladtail Xmas Excursion
open class EXC 4

Gladtail Heaven Can Wait

open class EXC 1, 2nd best bitch, CC

Suolahti 15.05.

Judge: Raija Tammelin, FIN

Eternal Fire Amazing Grace

Helsinki 09.05.

Club Show, Golden Ring
Judge: Susanne Björkman, Kennel Roxanne, SWE

© Tuija Hellman
Eternal Fire Amazing Grace
BIS-1 puppy

Lappeenranta 08.05.

© Minna Outinen
Gladtail Have a Dream qualified in the field.
Judge Harri Sivén


The first Gladtail puppies were born 5th of May 1994

Concratulations on their 10th birthday
Ida, Bandy, Aku, Aatu, Joonas, Danny, Big-Aku
and Luigi in the dog's heaven.

Loviisa 25.04.

Judge: Gun Holmström, FIN

© Bati Forslund
Gladtail Have a Dream
intermediate class EXC 1,
3rd best bitch, resCC

Pihtipudas 25.04.

Judge: Esko Nummijärvi, FIN

Eternal Fire Amazing Grace

Fin Mva Gladtail Ben Van Zanten
veteran class EXC 2, 2nd best dog

Gladtail Heaven Sent
working class EXC 1, 2nd best bitch, resCC

Pyhäsalmi 18.04.

Judge: Paavo Mattila, FIN

© Piia Simonen

Fin Lv Ch Fin Tracking Ch Bammelohren Dear Lady Twist
veteran class EXC 1, BOB-veteran, BIS-1 veteran

© Piia Simonen
Eternal Fire Amazing Grace

Gladtail Greedy Guy
open class EXC, 2nd best dog

Gladtail Heaven Sent
working class EXC, 3rd best bitch, resCC

Fin Est Ch Gladtail Ben Van Zanten's son
© Piia Simonen
Kultahännän Baarikärpänen
EXC, 3rd best dog, CC
Congratulations Pia and Källi!

Korpilahti 04.04.

Judge: Leila Kärkäs, FIN

Eternal Fire Amazing Grace

Fin Lv Ch Fin Tracking Ch Bammelohren Dear Lady Twist
veteranclass EXC 1, BOB-veteran

Congratulations to

Indy, Juuso, Paddy,
Morris and Inkku

on their 1st year birthday 3.4.!


Lahti 28.03.

All breed puppy show
Judge: Saija Juutilainen, FIN
Groupjudge: Kirsi Nieminen, FIN
BIS-judge: Unto Timonen, FIN

Eternal Fire Amazing Grace
BOB-puppy, BIG-1, BIS-3 puppy

Tampere 21.03.

Judge: Gertie van Gellicum, NL

Fin Ch Gladtail Ben Van Zanten
champion class EXC

Fin Ch Gladtail Delivery to Daddy
champion class EXC 4

Gladtail Heaven Sent
working class EXC 3

Fin Lv Ch Fin Tracking Ch Bammelohren Dear Lady Twist
champion class EXC 4

Åbo Åpen Show 14.03.

Judge: Helena Jansson, kennel Guess, SWE

Eternal Fire Amazing Grace
puppyclass 2nd with HP

Gladtail Heaven Sent
workingclass 2nd with HP

Fin Lv Mva Fin Jva Bammelohren Dear Lady Twist
veteranclass 2nd with HP


Fin Lv Ch Fin Tracking Ch Bammelohren Dear Lady Twist
'Brenda' was the Top Winning Veteran Retriever 2003, by the Middle Finland Retriever Association.


Gladtail Fabulous Twist 'Wilma'
gave birth to her puppy-boy.

Photos of 'Uno'


1.3.04 Gladtail D-litter 6 years.
Happy birthday to
Dixi, Peggy, Macy, Sere, Diki, Tomi, Jalo, Brando and Leo


24.2.04 Gladtail B-litter 8 years.
Happy birthday to brisk veterans!
Miisa, Riina, Lace, Julia, Aleksi, Tuffe and Zantte

Kaavi 07.02.

Judge: Hannele Jokisilta, FIN

©  Minna Toivanen
Fin Ch Gladtail Ben Van Zanten, BOS

Fin Ch Gladtail Ben Van Zanten

champion class EXC 1, 1st best dog, BOS

Gladtail Heaven Sent
working class EXC 1

Eno 01.02.

Judge: Esko Nummijärvi, FIN
Groupjudge: Harry Tast

What a day for Gladtails !!

BIS-3 breeders group

Gladtail Heaven Sent
working class EXC 1
, 1st best bitch, CC, BOB, BIG-4

Fin Lv Ch Fin Tracking Ch Bammelohren Dear Lady Twist

veteran class EXC 2, 4th best bitch

Gladtail Greedy Guy
open class EXC 1, 1st best dog, CC, BOS

Fin Ch Gladtail Delivery to Daddy

champion class EXC 1
, 2nd best dog

kennel Gladtail
BOB breeders group, BIS-3

Kerimäki 31.01.

Judge: Saija Juutilainen, FIN

Fin Ch Gladtail Bing Crosby
champion class EXC 1, 1st best dog, BOB, BIG-1, BIS-2

©  Vesa Hynninen
Koti Pöpön Himatuikku BOS & Fin Ch Gladtail Bing Crosby BOB, BIS-2

Galdtail Ballade "Miisa's" daughter Koti Pöpön Himatuikku BOS, CC and
"Miisa's" son Koti Pöpön Gomea Gadetti 2nd best dog, CC -> Fin Ch !!
Congratulations !


Irish-litter meeting at Vihtavuori.


the Gladtails reached fine results in the year 2003 !
From this page you'll find some of the top results.

Many thanks to dog owners !
